Pray Like it Depends on Him and Work Like it Depends on You
From Elaine's CaringBridge Site
Journal entry by Laura Roberts — 11/7/2015
I apologize that it has been so long since the last update. While grateful for the significant improvement in the foot, the new places in the hip and the regress in the shoulder did pull the rug out from under us a little so we had to regroup but like "Weebles" we may wobble but won't fall down! (For those of you Elaine's age that may be reading this google weebles wooble.) We will keep on and never give up! Elaine started another round of chemo on Monday, October 26th. This round lasts 4 weeks and they are outpatient weeks. Week 1, that started October 26th, consisted of 2 drugs; one was given for 5 days and one was given 1 day. These are the same two drugs that we started with that made Elaine very sick. Actually only the 5 day drug makes Elaine sick but it makes her very sick. The other drug has some other side effects but not nearly as bad. Last week Elaine got 1 drug on Tuesday (week 2). Next week Elaine gets 1 drug (week 3) and then a week off which is week 4 in this round. We do another round (4 weeks) that starts November 30th with her week off being the week of Christmas. So if everything goes as planned Elaine should feel good for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am praying that is so! Elaine also started radiation this week. Tuesday was her first radiation treatment. She does radiation everyday Monday through Friday for 28 treatments. She has completed 4 thus far. Her last radiation treatment will be Monday, December 14th. I'm not sure about the side effects of radiation yet because she is still recovering from the chemo so it is hard to tell if she is tired from the radiation or the chemo. We turned a corner on Friday. Elaine was able to keep everything down. She ate well and was up and around more than before so things are looking up with her recovery from this chemo. We don't know right now when we are going to scan again. It will definitely be after the first of the year. Elaine's doctor and I would like to scan after we finish these chemo drugs and before we start the next set of chemo drugs. If you recall, the 2 drugs we are doing now showed good results in both the foot and shoulder the last time we did them so we'd like to see how we are progressing before we start the next rounds of three drugs that we have not done before. I've got to discuss the timing with the Radiation Oncologist because radiation is a factor and can cause false positives in a PET Scan I am told. I'm guessing there is going to have to be some negotiation between opinions. I'll update on that as soon as I know. Since the results of the last PET Scan we decided on a different plan for her treatment. The last plan called for these two drugs and then a series of 5 drugs. We got positive results with the first two drugs and mixed results with the 5 drugs. Now we are doing the 2 drugs and then 3 drugs 2 of which are completely new to Elaine. I've consulted with the doctor we saw at MD Anderson and consulted with another doctor in Boston and everyone is in agreement about our plan going forward. These new drugs have completed a phase 2 trial and were the more successful drugs in that trial. I recently read the book The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. In that book he says to pray like it only depends on God but work like it depends on you and that resonated with me because that is exactly what I have been doing without really knowing it. We got a puppy. His name is Teddy. Elaine wanted a puppy and in a weak moment I agreed to a puppy and we have a puppy. For those of you who are counting the canine total, it is up to three at my house. But nothing makes Elaine happier than when all three dogs are laying with her in the bed. She loves being surrounded by dogs. If you are thinking I have lost my mind then you are correct, it's been gone as some of you can confirm. I'll post a picture of him. He is really cute and sweet. And no, the other dogs don't really like him yet.That is about it for us right now. It has been a tough couple of weeks but we've turned the corner. God is good and provides comfort every time I seek Him. Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. Isaiah 26:3
Jesus said to him, You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later on. John 13:7